Game Day! Fri. Sept 13

  • 0 Hour rehearsal like normal in the morning (wear section shirts)

  • After rehearsal, get changed into BAND SHOW SHIRTS and go to first hour like normal

  • First Game - Detailed notes for members (please read through all notes so you know what’s going on! Ask a section leader or drum major if you have questions).

  • WATCH THE NEW UNIFORM VIDEO for instructions

  • After school - leave and eat dinner!

  • 4 pm - uniform committee arrives - start checking out uniforms for people to change. If you have long hair, come to call time with it braided. We will have a few people on hand to braid hair at 4 pm in the Band Room. New members - recommended time to arrive for uniforms is 4 pm

  • 4:45 pm - all sections in full uniform in band room - section leaders inspect uniforms to make sure everyone is ready.

    • MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LARGE, FILLED, INSULATED WATER BOTTLE (labeled with your name on it)

  • 5 pm - CALL TIME in Band Room (dressed in full uniforms, in your sections, in the Band Room for quick attendance checks and announcements)

  • 5:20 pm - Band goes to visual and music warm-ups outside, move to set up in home stands approximately 6:30 pm

  • 7 pm - Game starts, Band plays in the stands (ONLY band members allowed in band section of stands).

  • Parents - WEAR YOUR YELLOW to support the band! Parents and families typically sit behind the band and to the side of the band (but not in the roped-off band section). Tickets can be purchased online at (show ticket on your phone at the gate) Marching Band members do not need a ticket for entrance, but all other parents and supporters will need to purchase tickets for games.

  • Approximately 8 pm - HALFTIME! Marching Band performs part of our production “POLARITY” and performs a joint performance of “Hooked on a Feeling” and the Aztec Fight Song with the Pom Team!

  • After the game, students will change out of uniforms, hang them up and return them to the Uniform Check in line in the school.

  • Our first band party will be hosted by Kaityln’s family after the game! Paper directions with more information are available in the Band Room. We don’t publish family address information online - so make sure your student gets a paper copy for more info.


Event Schedules Fall 2024


First Week of School!